Letters and football

It is an annual festival of culture and football
It consists of a series of meetings between representatives of culture who reflect on various issues raised by the Foundation (Fundazioa) team.
The topics discussed are related to cultural, social and sporting aspects, and deal with the presence of football in the world of art and, in particular, in the world of literature. Novelists, poets, journalists, columnists, scriptwriters, musicians, cartoonists, publicists, filmmakers, comic authors, rappers… take part in the talks and discuss life and football from the perspective of their own works. Among the very diverse issues discussed, the guests often share their reflections on the social, cultural and sentimental dimension of Athletic Club. At the end of the round tables, the audience joins the discussion and can ask questions to the guests.
The festival has also dedicated special days to the organisation of photography and literary competitions or the holding of educational conferences, plays or humorous monologues in which football has served as a bridge to deal with issues of social interest, such as racism or homophobia.
Finally, in parallel to the festival, actions to promote reading are carried out, such as its own publications, the organisation of the so-called Athletic Reading Clubs or the IrakurLE-ON campaign.
After the pandemic, the festival has been organised jointly with the film festival, although we aim to bring it back in the medium term. All the information on the festival can be found at www.letrasyfutbol.com
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A bridge between culture and football
The event has seen artists to the stature of Eduardo Galeano, Juan Villoro, Eduardo Mendoza, Manuel Vilas, Enric González, Bill Buford, David Trueba, Alejo Stivel, Manuel Jabois, Joan Tallón, Philip Kerr, Bernardo Atxaga, Sergi Pàmies, Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, Simon Kuper, Josep Ramoneda, Jonathan Wilson, Joseba Apaolaza, Coque Malla, Laura Fernández, Miqui Otero, Gari, Belén Gopegui, Jordi Puntí, Kirmen Uribe, Ray Loriga, Laura Ferrero, Hernán Casciari, Andrés Neuman, Amets Arzallus, Juan Ramón Rodríguez ‘Jota’, Ander Izagirre, Martín Caparrós, Milena Busquets, Agustín Fernández-Mallo, Héctor Abad Faciolince, Unai Elorriaga, Eduardo Sacheri, Jorge Carrión, Jenn Díaz, Nacho Carretero, Enrique Ballester, David Goldblatt, Karmele Jaio and Philippe Claudel.
News related to Letters and football

Thinking Football 2024: Video overview
Athletic Club publishes a video with the most outstanding images and statements of the XII edition of the festival The […]

Presentation of the book ‘Makatza’, about Iribar, and IrakurLE-ON(A) in Geuria!
The Athletic Club Foundation publishes a novel about Iribar’s childhood, written by Andoni Egaña, and launches the irakurLE-ON(A) reading promot[...]

A festival to remember
Six brilliant days of cinema, literature, creativity and humour, plus an unforgettable surprise concert, at Thinking, Letters and [...]

Introducing Thinking, Letters and Football 2021
A week of cinema, literature, humour, art and football, taking place every night at 19:00 from November Tuesday […]

The most genuine press conference
Igor Porset answers the questions about the book “Ser Williams” from readers well known to the rojiblanca family […]

“Ser Williams” (Being Williams) available in digital format
The Foundation provides a link on its website to download Igor Porset’s book in digital format The Athletic […]

Highlights video of Thinking, Letrak eta Futbola
The special edition of Thinking, Letrak eta Futbola 2020 was held from November 9 to 14 with […]

Presentation of Thinking, Letrak eta Futbola 2020
A special edition of the film festival, literary meetings and football culture to be held between Monday, […]

Football is culture
A video summarizes in images the X edition of Letters and Football and collects the impressions of […]

Books, soccer players and shared readings
Garazi Murua opens the Athletic Club Reading season, along with De Marcos, Tirapu, San José and the lions of the […]

Valdano and Benjamín Prado will open Letters and Football
The festival will open on Monday 11 with a talk between the former Argentine player and the Madrid writer moderated […]

Athletic Reading Club: “Togo”, with De Marcos
Open the deadline to join the Athletic Reading Club on November 11 to talk about “Togo” with De Marcos Oscar […]

News from the 10th edition of Letters and Football
Presentation of a special programme that includes the publication of two books written by Óscar de Marcos […]
Commited to the 2030 agenda
If you want to participate there is a space for you in the Foundation. We are here to help you.
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