
It is a project aimed at inmates of the Basauri Penitentiary Centre.
As part of a collaboration with the Bidesari Association, the main objective is to use sport as a tool to encourage coexistence and work on the use of free time, promoting the acquisition of habits and values that enhance autonomy and help in the processes of personal recovery and social reincorporation.
People deprived of their liberty suffer significant psychological consequences, which can lead to affective, cognitive and emotional problems.
In addition, some of these problems are aggravated by too much idle time. Sport is in this context a fantastic tool to work on the prevention and correction of this drift. On the other hand, the prison population suffers from a huge stigma, which must be combated, and which sometimes prevents them from facing adequate reintegration processes.
Athletic Club Foundation technicians come twice a week to the Basauri Penitentiary Centre to conduct trainig sessions.
The technicians conduct futsal, multisport and Walking Football training sessions, which take place in the inmates’ free time, working with two different groups. The first group is voluntary for all the inmates who are in the yard. Walking Football is practised with them, a modality that promotes self-control while allowing the participation of older inmates or those who are not physically fit enough to play indoor football. The second group is made up of inmates who attend job training courses or who are active in the centre’s programmes. The Foundation provides this group with a recreational activity that aims to reinforce this reintegration process.
El primero de los grupos es de participación voluntaria para todos los internos que se encuentran en el patio. Con éstos se practica Walking Football, modalidad que fomenta el trabajo del autocontrol al tiempo que permite la participación de aquellos reclusos de mayor edad u aquellos que no están físicamente en forma para la práctica del fútbol sala. El segundo de los grupos está compuesto por internos que acuden a cursos de formación laboral o están activos laboralmente en los programas del centro. La Fundación aporta a este grupo una actividad lúdica que tiene por objetivo reforzar este proceso de reinserción.
Places where the project takes place
Commited to the 2030 agenda
If you would like to contribute to this project by assisting individuals in their reintegration processes, there is a place for you in the Foundation.
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