Nine of the Foundation’s coaches who train weekly with the teams taking part in the Inter-centre League of the Osakidetza Mental Health Network (MHN)) have taken a training course at San Mamés on “Situation management and helping relationship with people who have mental health problems”. This training is an important complementary tool to help coaches optimise training sessions and adapt them to groups of patients with mental illnesses.
Currently, Athletic Club Foundation coaches hold 25 weekly training sessions with users from the following centres: Argia, Avifes, Eragintza, San Juan de Dios, Asasam, Gizakia Gordexola & Bilbao and these MHN Centres: Leones Uribe, Barakaldo, Bilbao, Lehenak, Zamudio Hospital, Manuene, Durango, Erandio, Ortuella, Gernika and Ortuella (for children). Despite the pandemic, 22 of these sessions take place in person thanks to the fact that the centres have adequate spaces where the training can be carried out in accordance with the health protocols established for COVID-19.