The Athletic Club Foundation publishes a novel about Iribar’s childhood, written by Andoni Egaña, and launches the irakurLE-ON(A) reading promotion campaign with two posters starring Adriana Nanclares and Julen Agirrezabala
Athletic Club will publicly present this coming Monday, at 18:00 hours, at the Geuria! Sports Bar in San Mamés, two of the most outstanding initiatives of the Foundation’s cultural project for this season: the publication of the book, written by Andoni Egaña, ‘Makatza’, about Iribar’s childhood, and the reading promotion campaign irakurLE-ON(A), starring two goalkeepers, Adriana Nanclares and Julen Agirrezabala.
Those who wish to attend the live presentation of ‘Makatza’ and irakurLE-ON can register using the following form, with a maximum of two invitations per person, due to the maximum capacity allowed in the venue, which on this occasion will be 80 people.
The publication of ‘Makatza’ and the irakurLE-ON(A) campaign are part, for yet another year, of the initiatives to promote reading that the Foundation carries out in parallel to the Letters and Football festival and which, together with the Thinking Football Film Festival and Bertsoderbia, make up the Foundation’s cultural project. A project, CULTURE, which is one of Athletic’s differential pillars and which is developed together with the other two pillars that support the Club’s social work: COMMUNITY and INCLUSION.
‘Makatza’, written by Andoni Egaña
‘Makatza’ is a juvenile novel – conceived for 14-year-olds but written for readers aged 6 to 99 – that fictionalises the childhood of the red and white legend Jose Angel Iribar, who in his native Zarautz was known by the name of the farmhouse where he lived: Makatza. The novel was originally written in Basque by Andoni Egaña on behalf of the Foundation and is due to be translated into Spanish soon, in this case in digital format.
The Foundation publishes 8,000 copies of ‘Makatza’ which will be sent free of charge to schools and clubs affiliated to Athletic Club and is available for the organisation of reading clubs.

Campaign to promote reading with Adriana Nanclares and Julen Agirrezabala
Along with the books of ‘Makatza’, the Foundation will also send copies of the posters that make up this year’s irakurLE-ON(A) campaign to educational centres and partner clubs. In them, Adriana Nanclares and Julen Agirrezabala, goalkeepers of Athletic Club’s first teams, pose reading the novel ‘Makatza’ under the slogan irakurLE-ONA and irakurLE-ON.
The idea of this campaign is to show reading as an important habit that is compatible with the practice of sport, at the same time as associating it with the image that young people have of Athletic Club’s players.
Both actions are, finally, aimed at vindicating Athletic Club as a powerful ally in the educational process of young people.
To order copies of the book and posters free of charge, any school or football club leader can contact the Foundation at [email protected].