The third promotion of the expert title created jointly by the Foundation and the UPV / EHU began the academic year 2022/23
Representatives of the Athletic Club Foundation and the UPV / EHU inaugurated in the Juliana Agirrezabala Room of the Bilbao Faculty of Education the third promotion of the academic year corresponding to the postgraduate course “Sports, Education and Coexistence: Protection of childhood and adolescence”.
After the presentation and initial greeting by Professor Nahia Idoiaga, the opening ceremony of the course was attended by Urtza Garay, Dean of the Faculty of Education of Bilbao; Juan Carlos Ercoreca, President of Fundazioa; Itxaso Erroteta, Councillor for Youth and Sport of the Bilbao City Council; and Irune Muguruza, Director of Childhood and Family of the Basque Government.
Likewise, Asier Romero, on behalf of the UPV/EHU, and Iñaki Alonso, on behalf of the Athletic Club Foundation, in their respective speeches, explained the general lines of the postgraduate course and its main objectives, as well as the importance of child protection in sport.
Along with the postgraduate students, the event was also attended by Marcos Muro, Manager of Bilbao Kirolak; Jon Vázquez Eguskiza, general director of Fundazioa; and Gontzal Suances, coordinator of the project.
After the success of the first two editions, the new academic year starts with a third promotion of 18 students. The university postgraduate course of the Athletic Club Foundation and UPV/EHU grants a qualification that is on the rise from a labour point of view, in line with the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents against violence. This law contains a chapter entirely dedicated to sport that requires sports clubs to have a Child Protection Policy and a Child Protection Delegate, as well as a minimum training in this area for sports staff.