A unifying factor of society
Athletic Club competes with football players from the territory it represents. This uniqueness dates back to 1911 and provides the club with a link to its community, of which the Athletic Club Foundation is a part.
Club and Foundation: the same Athletic
Footballers and fans share a sense of belonging that unites them beyond the field of play.
It is a direct connection because Athletic Club players represent the society in which they live, alongside family and friends since childhood. From this union arises the social and ethical commitment that inspires Athletic Club and the Foundation, which, in essence, are one and the same: from the community, for the community, and with the community.

Embodying Athletic Club’s Values Since 2002
At the Athletic Club Foundation, we dedicate significant economic and human resources to this essential pillar. Nearly 80% of the staff hired by the Athletic Club Foundation – almost fifty people – are sports technicians, doctors, and physiotherapists, highlighting the extent to which the commitment to the youth academy is part of the Zurigorri DNA.
With the growth of the Athletic Club Foundation and the expansion of our collaborators, new proposals have emerged covering different areas of work. Fully aware that our mission is to represent Athletic’s essential values, we have been realising this representation through a growing number of projects.
During 2023, in line with Athletic Club’s AC Aurrera Action Plan, we undertook a thorough assessment and strategic reflection on the Athletic Club Foundation, with the aim of optimising resources, projects, and future initiatives.
The outcome of this diagnosis and evaluation was the definition of a new strategy that organises all our work into three key areas: community, inclusion, and culture. This new direction further strengthens the commitment of Athletic Club and the Foundation to their legacy of sporting passion and social responsibility, making the union between the two a transformative force at the heart of Bilbao.
Projects for the common good
Community, Inclusion and Culture
In order to contribute to the improvement of the lives of people in our society, particularly those who need it most, we develop our work in three areas of action: Community, Inclusion, and Culture. We define these three areas in a cross-cutting manner, with a backbone of Athletic’s values and football as a tool for inclusion and transformation.