San Mames welcomes the end of the PREUNICA challenge, where students from different educational centers in Euskal Herria have presented their proposals to attract more public to the women’s team’s matches in Lezama
This afternoon, the Athletic Club Foundation held in San Mames the end of the challenge launched within the PREUNICA program, an initiative driven by the Bilbao Chamber of Commerce that has invited over 1,400 students from 2nd Baccalaureate and training cycles from 44 educational centers in Euskal Herria to seek solutions for a key challenge: how to attract more public to the matches of the first women’s team.
The event was attended by the vice-president of Athletic Club, Nerea Ortiz, as well as Johana Ruiz-Olabuenaga, head of the Athletic Club’s Community Department, and soccer players Ane Azkona and Garazi Fácila. Prior to the grand final, the 73 students and participating faculty have had the opportunity to enjoy a guided tour of the museum and the stadium, getting to know the history and values of the club.
Afterwards, the teams of the centres Colegio Urkide, Olabide Ikastola, Colegio Vizcaya, Colegio Urdaneta, Colegio Gaztelueta, Colegio Scholapios, Colegio Jesuitas de Indautxu, San Fidel Ikastola, Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Merced and Colegio Franciscanas de Montpellier have presented their project and, a jury, a jury, composed by the management team of Athletic Club and its Foundation, has selected the three finalist projects: Colegio Urdaneta, Colegio Franciscanas de Montpellier and Colegio Jesuitas de Indautxu.
Finally, the winning group of the XIV PREUNICA competition was the Jesuit College of Indautxu, with an innovative proposal aligned with the philosophy of Athletic Club. As a prize, its members will be able to enjoy an exclusive experience on a match day, with a Meet & Greet in Lezama, in addition to receiving shirts signed by the players.
Boost to women’s football
Since the beginning of the project, the Foundation has been supported by players Ane Azkona and Adriana Nanclares, who participated in promotional videos to encourage educational centers to join the challenge.
The challenge launched under PREUNICA highlights the importance of continuing to promote the growth and visibility of women’s football. Actions such as this help women’s football to continue to gain presence and support, consolidating its place within sport and society.